Friday, September 17, 2010

Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj ,upcoming rap sensation, shows off her style in top left wearing soft colors and showing some skin and heels. Nicki's soft bright colors shows how she can still dress toned down and simple. Great job nicki on the selection. On the top right Nicki's sporting cutt up leggings and a leather jacket with boots and two toned pink tracks. The outfit shows off her vulumptious curves and all but the ensemble is a little overplayed, dont you think? Have a little more orginiality nicki please! But we still love you and your music.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Lola Luv

Angel 'Lola Luv'   Her style is chic and is always fit for her curves and body structure. O and she's ethiopian :]


The video is a preview of the hitseries Candy Girl, which is a video vixen show on E! It talks about high paying video vixens lifestyle and fashion. Great show to keep up on rich vixens with style.

Monday, September 13, 2010

About Me

Hey I'm Zuzu,Team Snookie! I absolutly love fashion and keeping up on the new trends. I personally love celebrity fashions and talking about the new styles they wear weekly with my friends. I also tend to go the mall all the time and see whats new, which consumes most of my free time. The reason why I started my blog Vixens Fashions N Chic is because I enjoy watching the vixens wear bold and never seen wardrobe from hair,  makeup, nails, etc. So in my blog you'll see all types of vixens wearing outragious, out of the box styles daily.